We have 3 amazon orders (sent to us via email from Amazon), but never received Nitrosell emails or web orders via get web orders. Started happening yesterday . We have received web orders (and emails) from our Nitrosell site, just no Amazon orders.
Is there anyway to check via the portal for orders that have been received by nitrosell, but not received by Get Web Orders?
We had released a feature to handle orders that were being processed via Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA). It seems this new feature was conflicting in some way with the existing order download functionality for non-FBA orders. We have reverted the changes and will perform more comprehensive testing before we consider deploying it again. Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Hate to be a pain, but we have another situation with web orders not following Amazon orders. We have received 4 Amazon orders (oldest 4 hours ago, most recent 1 hour ago) and have not received any web orders to associate them with.
Please advise
Update: The first order with the problem arrived at 11.01 CST. The order that arrived at 9:33 got a web order associated with it.
Another update: We finally did receive the web order at 2:21 for the Amazon order we received at 11:01. So we will wait and see if the rest arrive. The employees are just use to seeing the web order arrive within an hour so they went crazy on me when the web orders never arrived.
As you probably can tell, I take the flack from employees for all technological problems that occur in the universe. So I try and keep them all from you, but every now and then I have to let you share in my misery.
Update at 10:23pm We have not received any web orders for our Amazon orders, some of them 7 hours old.
This issue has come up before. The heart of the problem is that there is delay between when an order is reported as Unshipped in your Seller Central account and when it is actually available through API calls. Having researched the question, it looks like when an order is marked as Unshipped in Seller Central, it still has to go through various internal checks before being finally made available to the retailer.
Since we don’t have any control over the length of the delay, it is difficult to advise our retailers how long they should wait to get their orders at the Point Of Sales.
Also, it is worth pointing that, we don’t download orders that are in the pending status in your Seller Central for the following two reasons:
There is no shipping information associated to these orders;
As they still being processed by Amazon and with no payment completed, they can still be cancelled by Amazon. So the best thing to do is to wait for Amazon to confirm that it is safe to download the order.
We have always experienced a one hour delay. The current problem is that the delay is approaching 22 hours. But I see you have seen my new thread about this problem, so we’ll just continue there.
We haven’t processed many amazon order today, because we again have the delay problem. We have many Amazon orders printed (via the shipworks program) and no nitrosell web orders for them. Delay so far about 4 or 5 hours. I’m not panicking yet, so we’ll just wait and see if we get the web orders eventually.
Question: During this delay, is the product still available for sale? I am used to the web orders reserving the product in RMS so it is not available for sale. Does this Amazon to Nitrosell to Us delay mean that once we get an amazon order for an item we may have only 1 of, is that item still available for sale in the store or on our web site. The reason I ask, is that we seem to be over selling on some popular items and now we have to do amazon cancellations which are going to hurt our rating. We have had to do 2 or 3 from last weekend.
Update: It’s 3:06pm and we haven’t had a web order received for any of the amazon orders since 7:56am. Shipworks is getting and printing the orders from Amazon, but we are not getting our Nitrosell web orders for those Amazon orders.
I seemed to have answered my own question about product availability at amazon and our web site during this Amazon-Nitrosell-To us web order delay. It appears that indeed the product is committed even though we haven’t received the web order email. An uncommon item that sold on Amazon at 10:15am (and still haven’t received the nitrosell web order for that item in the last 5 hours) shows in RMS that the item is committed and now has 0 available and I confirmed on Amazon that it too says we have 0 available. So it looks like the inventory gets adjusted okay between RMS and Amazon even though we don’t get the Nitrosell web order email for that amazon order.
So we are just waiting on the web order paperwork because I see the web order is in Get Web Orders and it’s in Shipworks!! So this delay in receiving the web order email is not affecting the inventory being adjusted, and is not affecting us actually getting the order into the POS, it is simply an email problem for the paper work.
By the way, we are getting the web order email paperwork for sales on our nitrosell website, just not the paperwork on the amazon site.
That delay is very much our next focus. We will get in touch with Amazon tomorrow to discuss about that. We now have enough information in the logs as evidence.
As far as I can see in your database, as of today at 9am GMT, you have received 14 Amazon orders since midnight and much more yesterday. This tells me that your orders are coming down and are certainly not lost in the process. But yes I agree that the delay is not ideal. This is very much something we will work on.
Update: As of 2pm on Sunday we have not received any amazon related nitrosell web orders since 7:56am yesterday.
We are receiving nitrosell web orders for our web site orders. Again, this is not a current problem because we have Shipworks automatically generating and printing an invoice when it receives the amazon order. We are processing at the POS using that paper work. We had to process all the orders because they all ship tomorrow.
My only concern now, is if we actually get those nitrosell web orders. THen we are going to confuse the people here. But they have been told that if we have a nitrosell web order and no shipworks order, it probably has already been processed and to ignore them.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the update. Can you confirm that the orders processed in Shipworks are still being shown as Unshipped in your Seller Central?
As far as I can see, you currently have two Amazon orders inserted in your database within the last hour which haven’t been processed at the POS. These are 114-3071822-6411436 and 108-6185656-2839452
One way or the other, I will look into the delay issue from tomorrow.
I am glad that this our only concern right now, having solved the other two issues related to the emails and the duplicated orders.
All have been processed but not shipped. Our shipping people are currently doing the packing and shipping and when they print the shipping label, that is when shipworks will tell amazon it shipped and upload the tracking #.
So here is the situation as of 10 am GMT. I did manually inspect your database and I can confirm that all your current 54 unshipped orders available in your Seller Central should be available to your POS right now. They were all inserted within an average of 2 hours so I couldn’t spot anything odd to report to Amazon. I am hoping that over the course of this week, I will identify a good case to report to them and get their thoughts. I did contact Amazon early this morning albeit for another retailer who I thought, might have experienced a similar issue.
Regarding the orders processed in ShipWorks, I think it’s important to note that we only download and insert orders showing as Unshipped in your Seller Central account. You should be aware that ShipWorks usually sends a shipping notification to Amazon after they have processed one of their orders. They do so by uploading what is called an order fulfilment feed. It usually takes Amazon about a minute depending on the workload to process those feeds and mark the order as shipped. The feed contain all the shipping information such as the tracking number and the shipping carrier handling the parcel.
You can actually find those feeds in your Seller Central under the Orders Menu and Upload Order Related Files. Amazon only lists the most recent 10 upload files, it still should be enough to give you an indication. You should pay attention to the Date & Time column. Because you disable the order fulfilment option in your Webstore Manager, none of these files were uploaded by us. Also, please note that I don’t have permission to access that information from your account and I therefore wouldn’t be able to advise about what you are likely to see there.
After finally getting some sleep I have re-read this thread and I’m afraid I was confusing the situation. My posts starting 2 days ago, “We haven’t processed many amazon order today…” I originally thought we were not getting the nitrosell web orders from Amazon, but what we were not getting was the nitrosell web order EMAILs associated with an Amazon sale. So I had appended this thread with my posts from late October and November when we ACTUALLY were not getting the amazon orders in our GWO.
At my post above where I begin by having answered my own question, “I seemed to have answered my own question about p…” on the same day, we realized that the amazon web orders WERE getting to our GWO. We also checked that the amazon orders were correctly committing inventory. What we were missing was the Nitrosell Web Order email (for amazon orders). To our people here, until we get the Nitrosell Web Order email printed (to match up with the amazon order), the order would not be processed because “they didn’t have the proper paper work”.
So on Saturday, I verified that amazon orders WERE being sent to GWO and that inventory quantities WERE being committed and tracked okay, but we were still not getting the Nitrosell Web Order EMAILS, so I replaced the missing Nitrosell Web Order emails with the Shipworks printed Invoice and told everyone that “there is now new paperwork, process the orders”. So since then things have been fine.
I think when you turned off emails to Amazon, you turned off the nitrosell web order emails to us as well, because we still haven’t received any nitrosell web order EMAILS since 7:56am on Saturday (for amazon orders only). We still get the web order emails for our regular website but we have stopped getting the nitrosell web order emails for any amazon orders. Like I said, we have replaced those emails with our own shipworks paperwork, but you might want to figure out why we stopped getting those emails.
In summary, everything is all okay (except for the above mentioned emails that we don’t care about right now).
Thanks for the clarification, very much appreciated. The reason why retailers’ were getting those emails is because their store address was used in the sender field. Given that it is so important for your records and also because another retailer requested them back, I think the best thing to do would be to allow the order confirmation email to go through and use the retailer’s email address as the receiver. This will ensure that the Amazon customer never gets an email from us and the retailer would be getting the email with all the information like before.
On the other hand, it is never sustainable to rely on shipworks to provide those notifications on our behalf. As we will notice later when our integration with them is done, it is not advised to use them in conjunction with our integration especially for Amazon orders.
Let me know if that solution suits please.
Yes, that is very suitable. I would rather not print out the invoices from Shipworks. Getting the nitrosell web order emails again would be preferable.