I had mentioned in another thread yesterday we were getting web orders very late after Amazon orders (up to 8 hours). We are now getting NO web orders associated with our Amazon orders and it’s getting pretty ugly here. Please need Help.
Update: We finally did receive a web order at 945am for an Amazon order placed yesterday at 1:30pm, 20 hours later. I would like to hold off processing these amazon orders manually, but the shipping people here are about to revolt.
We have 13 amazon orders with no associated web orders right now. Some of these amazon orders came in yesterday afternoon and we still haven’t received a web order. Here are two of the culprit orders:
Order ID: 106-9968897-6052247 received 12:57 am 12/5
Order ID: 109-7108792-4361004 received 4:52 pm 12/4
Thanks Bob. We’ve just added more extensive logging to the order download process so we can see exactly what’s happening in the background.
As Franclin mentioned in the other thread, there are always delays between when an order is placed, when it goes from pending to unshipped, and when it go from unshipped to be available for download with the Marketplace Web Service (MWS) API. You are absolutely right, though, 22 hours is an inordinate amount of time and something is definitely amiss.
We’ll track this latest one down as quickly as we can. It’s bad luck that they always seem to arise on a Friday, Murphy’s Law I suppose! Thanks for your patience.
Here is the latest from the guys at the store. We still haven’t received 6 of the 13 amazon related web orders (some arrived more than 24 hours later), but they are telling me that minus those missing orders, the current amazon orders are followed up with the web orders within an hour again. I have matched up the amazon emails with the web order emails and it does look like things are back to normal again.
We had to manually process those missing Amazon orders so as to provide timely shipping, so we don’t care now if we ever see them, but I heard one trickled in early this morning.
I’ll be keeping an eye on things over the weekend and I’ll keep you informed of any more problems.
Thanks for the update. If there is a delay of that nature, then it needs to be looked at especially because some of these orders may be for expedited shipping.
I will get in touch with the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) Team on Monday in a bid to identify the root cause of the issue. As soon as I have heard from them, I will get back to you.
Just an update and some peace of mind for you Franclin; We had a large amount of Amazon orders come through this weekend and there was the normal 30 minute to 1 hour delay between Amazon seller notifications and the web orders themselves. So no problems except for 1 that I posted as a new thread (2 web orders for 1 amazon order).
Also, please read my thread about some way of connecting the seller notification emails and the nitrosell web orders. Product description alone doesn’t provide enough information to match them up. We have a system that automatically prints both emails and we manually match them up (it’s a kind of checks and balances type thing for us) before we process the orders. This way if we have web orders from amazon and no amazon seller notifications they call bob. If we have amazon orders but no associated web order they call bob.