You appear to have made changes to the ReCaptcha to now support the V2 API. The problem however is that the previous ReCaptcha linked to the contact form no longer functions correctly. Further, you’ve not supplied details on how we can include this new reCaptcha method in custom forms i.e the old variable was {include:ReCaptcha}.
At the moment every contact form in use on our website is broken and therefore customers cannot contact us. Surely there should have been some further testing done prior to rolling this forward given the impact on customers?
These changes were pursued to accommodate the request you made regarding multiple reCAPTCHAs on one page. We tested this thoroughly on a stock store and it worked perfectly. For now, we have rolled the changes back and will instead test on a copy of your store before re-releasing.
@brendan: could you follow up with Andy prior to the next release, please?
Please don’t make any changes or revert anything as I am correcting the issues based on the changes you have made. Also, when posting a short time ago I didn’t realise I had hard coded our contact form which meant both reCaptcha options were appearing.
Does the new API allow any control over the popup used as I’ve noticed this will be an issue on mobile devices given the responsive nature of our site currently. I’m sure I can apply classes via jquery but hoping for an easier way to add classes.
Reversing the the revert would be very complicated at this point. I’m afraid you’re stuck with the old version for now. @brendan is away this week, will return on Monday and will be in a position to assist then.
Well that’s pretty frustrating given there’s been no advance warning of the pending changes. We even have an open ticket on this very subject that hasn’t been replied to since Friday, 3rd July, 2015, despite numerous requests for updates.
A bit of communication would go a long way and shouldn’t be too much to ask given the changes impact live sites.