This is an advanced Amazon topic. Only use this if you are sure you now what you are doing as it could have serious repercussions on your Amazon ratings.
Though NitroSell does not support fulfilled by Amazon, it is possible using the Inventory feed to switch the fulfilment method between FBA (Amazon) and MFN (your store).
Currently the only way to do this is to set up a string attribute in PAM called AMZFulfilment. Then use this to switch the fulfilment of a product between yourself and Amazon.
- If you want a product to be issued by Amazon (as part of their FBA programme) then set AMZFulfilment to AFN;
- If you want the product to be issued by your store then set AMZFulfilment to MFN;
- Map AMZFulfilment to one of your productMarketplace fields;
- Map the productMarketplace field to inventory/switchfulfillmentto/
- Nsc Sync;
- The feeder will do the rest.