Amazon Credentials Tab
This page allows you to enter your Amazon credentials so that we can talk to Amazon on your behalf. Note that your Amazon credentials are Amazon marketplace specific, your Amazon seller account might be enabled on but not be enabled on
A webstore can only integrate with one Amazon marketplace. To sell on more than one Amazon marketplace you need an Amazon Seller Account for each marketplace and a NitroSell webstore for each Amazon marketplace.
The various Amazon credentials are given to you by Amazon when you create a seller account.
Seller ID: 13 Alpha-numeric characters (letters are all upper case)
Access Key: 20 Alpha-numeric characters (letters are all upper case
Secret Key: 40 characters, letters can be upper or lower case, typically contains a plus (+) symbol in the middle
The credentials save automatically as you click outside an input box. You know that they are saved as a little green box reports ‘Saved CREDENTIALNAME as INPUTMADE’ in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.
When you have filled out the three input boxes, we check to see if Amazon is happy with your credentials. The red button ‘Amazon Feeder Disabled’ will go green as soon as the credentials are correct. Clicking on the button will turn the button orange. NitroSell is now able to integrate with your Amazon Seller Account.
To disable your Amazon integration press the button again and it will go red.
Data Organisation
To explain to Amazon where your data can be found you need to map fields in your webstore database to Amazon fields. This is done using the Mappings page, This can be accessed either through the button ‘Organise your data’ or the ‘Mappings’ tab at the top.
ASIN Lookup
Products in Amazon are identified using an Amazon Standard Identifer Number ASIN. If the product you are selling already has an ASIN then a lot of the data entry for your product will already have been done for you by other rertailers.
This tool will allow you to locate an ASIN for your products by using an ISBN, UPC or EAN code. You then enter this ASIN code against your products in PAM and map it to your webstore.
This tool also returns other information on products in Amazon.
To use this tool you need to enter AWS credentials. These are different to your seller account credentials. You can sign up here.
Amazon Order Management
When you make sales on Amazon, the NitroSell platform will retrieve those orders and pass them down to your POS in the same way that we pass orders generated by your web store to your POS.
This is disabled by default. Clicking on the order integration checkbox will enable this.
Amazon sets defined shipping rates. It does NOT take your POS settings and use those like the web store does. When a purchase is made on Amazon the shipping cost of the order is passed down to the POS as part of the order. You must map a shipping method on your POS to use for Amazon orders.
When you make sale on Amazon we assign that to a tender that you generate on your POS system. You must select a Tender for Amazon tenders to be assigned to.