Blog Content
Blog content can be managed from an interface in the WebStore Manager (WSM). Go to WSM->Pages and click the tab titled Blog. All existing categories and their content articles will be displayed here in a tree format. Using this interface you can re-organize your articles, rename your articles and categories, change their visibility and click through to the editor.
1. Moving blog articles
Articles are always listed by their creation date in an category. Moving articles round in a category will have no effect (you will see the articles re-organize themselves by date as you move them about). You can move the articles from one category to another.
Articles that are not currently in a category then they will be in a group called non-categorized articles at the bottom. They can be dragged out from here to a blog category.
Articles retain their status (visibility) when moved. Even if you move a visible article to a hidden category that article remains visible.
2. Renaming Categories and Articles
You can rename categories and articles by clicking on the title. Make your change and click save.
3. Article and Category Status
Categories and articles are not live when first created. When you make them live they become visible. The eye icon allows you to change the status of categories and articles from the interface. Visible categories and articles are coloured green, hidden items are coloured grey.
4. Edit Article Content
Clicking on the edit icon will open up the article for editing. Remember to save your changes!
5. Article and Category Information
Clicking the i icon will display the article author and author email.
6. Create New Article
Click in the plus icon will open up the create new article interface pre-populated with the category that article will be part of.
7. Create New Category
At the bottom of the interface is an area that you can use to create a new category in your blog.