Create and Categorize your Blog
Your blog can be a simple list of articles or your can categorize your articles into blog categories. These blog categories have no relation to categories in your store navigation.
Blog Categories
Behind the scenes blog categories and blog articles are the same except for the fact that articles can belong to blog categories. This allows you to group similar blog articles together. If you are planning to expand your blog over time it might be worth considering the sort of categories you might need as articles can only belong to a single blog category.
To create a new blog category, login to your WebStore Manager (WSM), go to Page Content, and click add a new page. The below form is displayed. Here, go to Page Type and in the dropdown choose Blog Category.
To define the category you need to fill in the following fields:
- Page type: blog category;
- Category Name: the name of the category;
- Disqus shortname: filling in this will allow people to comment on your blog articles; to enable it, you need to create a Disqus account account; (See the next section for instructions.)
- Show as a Tab: when ticked, this will add a new link to the tab bar at the top of your store.
- When you click Save the editor will allow you to add introductory text to the category. This will be displayed at the top of the category page before the article listing.
next: Creating a Blog Article