Amazon 507. Sale Price

Amazon Index

You wish a price on Amazon to be marked as on sale by the Amazon marketplace.

You will create three fields in Nsc PAM that will be mapped to Amazon. By populating these fields your items will automatically go on sale on the date you set in AMZSaleStartDate until the date they go off sale on the date you set in AMZSaleEndDate. The items will be priced during this period as the price you set in AMZSalePrice.

###Nsc PAM set up
In Nsc PAM create three fields as follows:

  1. Create a float attribute called AMZSalePrice;
  2. Create a string attribute called AMZSaleStartPrice;
  3. Create a string attribute called AMZSaleEndPrice;

###Nsc Sync Set Up
You might need the help of support for this step.

In Nsc Sync go to Configuration->Advanced->Field Mappings;
Pick three unused fields in the marketplace table (though you could use custom text fields if you prefer) and map the Pam fields to these marketplace fields.

###In Webstore Manager Amazon Interface

  1. Go to Amazon and select data mapping;
  2. Once the interface loads open the Price feed;
  3. Open the Sale feed;
  4. Open the *StartDateā€™ and, using the mapping drop down select the marketplacefield you mapped AMZSaleStartDate into;
  5. Open the EndDate and, using the mapping drop down select the marketplacefield you mapped AMZSaleEndDate into;
  6. Open the Sale Price and, using the mapping drop down select the marketplacefield you mapped AMZSalePrice into;
  7. Remaining in the Sale Price box, scroll down to the Attribute Currency and enter the currency code for the Amazon marketplace you are selling into (USD for, GBP for, etc);

###Populate PAM
Populate the AMZ sale price with the price you want to offer during your sale.

The start and end date fields need to be entered in this format


  1. Where YYYY is the year as four digits;
  2. MM the month of the year in two digits (so 01 for January);
  3. DD the day of the month in two digits (so 02 for 2nd January);
  4. You must enter the dash (minus sign) between the Y, M and D;
  5. T is a character you must enter after the day - it signifies that you are now entering time rather than date characters;
  6. hh - hour of the day in 24 hour format;
  7. mm - minute of the hour;
  8. ss - second of the minute;
  9. Z - enter this character to signify that you are using Greenwich mean time.

If you want a sale to start 9am Valentines day and last till 6pm the same day you would enter:

AMZSaleStartDate 2015-02-14T09:00:00Z
AMZSaleEndDate 2015-02-14T18:00:00Z
AMZSalePrice 9.99