Amazon Advanced Mapping Wizard
This wizard will help you place the products in your various departments, categories and subcategories into Amazon categories. This will give you access to further fields that you can use to describe your product to Amazon. This process is only necessary where products are not already in the Amazon catalogue. If products are already in the Amazon catalogue then all Amazon needs is a UPC/EAN/ASIN standard identifier that you have already mapping in the basic Amazon Mapping Wizard.
###Step 1 - Wizard Introduction
Amazon categorizes all the products in their catalogue into product types. This doesn’t determine where the product can be found on their store (that is done using browse nodes) but it does determine which fields Amazon allows you to associate with your products.
###Step 2 - Mapping Page
For example: If you decide that your Genuine Disney Elsa Frozen Doll in the Dolls category of your Toys department belongs in ‘ToysBaby’ then, in the data mapping interface we display fields such as ‘Age Recommendation’ and ‘Toy Award Name’ along with a host of other fields that are relevent the the product type ‘ToysBaby’.
To use, simply select a store node from the Store Navigation panel on the left, then decide which Amazon category to assign it to on the right. Store nodes inherit the Amazon catogory from their parents unless you assign it a specific category of its own. So if you assign the Top Level store node to ‘ToysBaby’, all your departments, categories and sub-categories will also be in ‘ToysBaby’ unless you assign them their own category.
When you map a store node (department, category or sub-category) to an Amazon category, the mapping you completed is listed below. by clicking on the edit pencil to the right of the mapping you are brought to the Data Mapping Panel for that store node and category. This exits the Advanced Mapping Wizard.
###Re-Categorizing Products
Once you have successfully categorized a product Amazon will not let you re-categorize this product without taking it down, waiting 24 hours and then re-launching the product with the new categorization. The easiest way of doing this for a single product is to make it unavailable on Amazon, moving it to the store node (department, category or subcategory) that is correctly categorized then making it available again.
Note that the NitroSell interface will allow you recategorize a store node, the issue lies with Amazon. You will find that the product feed has failed for the products that you have re-classified.