Setting a store to a timezone

Map for illustrative purposes only - the WSM option gives a drop down with the more usual timezones (UTC, EST, CET, etc).
The web never goes to sleep, it works all hours of the day and night and, more importantly, never stop selling your products. However, your store employees do need to sleep occasionally and sometimes it is useful to associate your web store with a time zone.

By associating your store with a time zone you can display a store time on a page or define an hour before which you offer same day shipping.

##WebStore Manager Option
We have added an option in the shipping options in WebStore Manager (WSM) that allows you to select a city in your time zone. This option will take daylight saving hour into account (unless your store is in Arizona!).

##NitroScript Tags Available
A series of new tags are now available that do exactly what they say on the tin:

  1. {ns:printStoreTime}
    Available in any template.
    This will output the time in the store in this format:
    07:43:27 AM

  2. {ns:printStoreDate}
    Available in any template.
    This will output the date in the store in this format:
    Thursday 29th of January 2015

  3. {ns:printStoreDateTime}
    Available in any template.
    This will output the date in the store in this format:
    Thursday 29th of January 2015 07:43:27 AM

New NitroScript tag {printStoreTimeComponent()}

This new tag allows you to request any element of the store date/ time.

To use: replace the word STRING with a string of codes that you would like to see. For example, say I wanted the current day of the month I would look through the codes in the links below to find the right code for what I am looking for. In this case I could go {printStoreTimeComponent("dd")} which would return 18 as it is the 18th day of June as I right this.

You can add several codes together with punctuation like this
{printStoreTimeComponent("d/m/Y")} Which would return 18/06/2015

Hey James,
I want to use the time function in the carousel builder on the new responsive design for our banner images. It has the current timezone listed as UTC TZ…in looking at your reference map, it looks like we should be in zone “R”?

when clicking to change the zone, it takes me to the WSM and in shipping settings…is this where I should make the change? We do not use any time setting for shipping. Will that affect any other settings we have for shipping?


You can ignore the map - it is there for illustration purposes only. Google tells me that Florida is in Eastern or Central, both are available in the drop down that appears when you select the time zone the store is located in.

The option allowing to set the timezone your store is in doesn’t effect much at the moment, we have it there so that certain NitroScript calls have access to the time where your store is located. By default all stores work like the internet- they default to UTC (Greenwich Time).


Thank You Sir.

Don Keller
Ecommerce and Distribution Center

[email logo]

6730 Moccasin Wallow Road
Palmetto, Fl. 34221
Office: 941-722-3369 ext. 241
Fax: 941-729-5487

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