Index of articles on Image Carousels
@markb of ModelRailwaysDirect set up their sales in advance. These sales are highlighted using the home page slider. Rather than having to get up in the middle of the night to add a special carousel image linking to the sale items it was suggested that it be made possible to set a go-live time on image carousel slides.
How to Implement
Clicking on the little clock icon in an image carousel will bring up a modal window allowing you to set the date and time that you want your image to go live.
Each slide can be set independently. If you want to see something where the slider is going to be ensure you have at least one slide set to be visible. If you don’t set a time then the store assumes you want the slide to be visible.
It is also possible to set a time after which you no longer want the slide to show. If this is not set then the slide will remain visible.
By default your store is set to UTC, also known as Greenwich Mean Time. There is an option that allows you to change this to something more suitable if your store only serves a local area. The date and time interface take this into account and will give an estimate till the slide will become visible on your store.
Be careful changing your timezone, this option is already used for various shipping options.
To speed up your store we cache elements that require a lot of calculation to build. Carousels are one of these elements. This cache is reset every time your store syncs. You will find that this caching will upset any attempt a setting your go-live or go-dead slide too precisely. You will find that your triggers will only operate after the sync that comes after your trigger.