Many affiliate marketing companies will give you a snippet of code and ask you to embed it in the order confirmation page. Our product enables custom JavaScript code to be outputted on designated pages of the webstore. There are four events which will trigger that code. The most common event which triggers a tracking code is a purchase. Please provide Nitrosell Customer Services with the exact code to be inserted and which say which event from these four which you want to trigger it.
Here are the events which can trigger the affiliate marketing code:
Triggered on the order completion page.
Triggered when a customer visits the store home page ( is for sale - Domains Corporation);
Triggered when a customer completes the registration form;
Triggered on contact form submission;
Below is a list of variables which can be put into that code:
#ORDERSUBTOTAL# : total before shipping and taxes;
#ORDERTOTAL# : total including shipping and taxes;
#ORDERNUMBER# : web order number.
#FIRSTNAME# : customer's first name;
#LASTNAME# : customer's last name;
#NAME# : customer's full name (first and last);
#COMPANY# : customer's company name (blank if not entered);
#ADDRESS1# : line 1 of the customer's address;
#ADDRESS2# : line 2 of the customer's address (blank if not entered);
#CITY# : customer's city
#ZIPPOSTCODE# : customer's zip or postal code;
#STATENAME# : customer's state or county name;
#STATE# : customer's state or county name;
#STATECODE# : customer's state or county code;
#COUNTRY# : customer's country name;
#NEWCUSTOMER# : prints 'new customer', returns nothing in case of returning customer
#COUNTRYCODE# : customer's country code;
#TELEPHONE# : customer's phone number;
#EMAILADDRESS# : customer's e-mail address.
#PROMOCODE# : promotion code used by the customer - returns 'none' if no promotion code is entered for the transaction.
Technical Information - if you wish to deploying Tracking Code yourself
To add your custom JavaScript, you need to create a new HTML file and include the required code. The file should be named after the goal in the form of tracking_goalname.html and uploaded via FTP to your /themes/ folder. For instance, to track sign ups, you would create a file called tracking_signup.html.
Your files should only contain snippets of HTML (usually<SCRIPT> and <IMG> tags
) and should not be complete pages in themselves: they should exclude<HTML>, <HEAD> and <BODY> tags;
The goal and file names are case sensitive – they should always be in lowercase;
If you are including JavaScript in tracking_purchase.html it should always use secure JavaScript, that is, the SRC attributes in the
tags should point to URLs beginning with either https:// or //. Otherwise, your customers will receive browser security warnings on the order completion page;
You can test if your tracking code is being successfully included by viewing the page source on the relevant page.