Live Chat “Customer Service” Platforms?

Wondering if anyone is aware of any integrations that work well with NitroSell to accommodate live support provision?

HI Linda

I’m sure the people from Nitrosell might have some recommendations, but I thought I’d tell you what we use. We integrated Pure Chat ( into our Nitrosell site. We use it for pre-sales support so it appears on any of the pages, but if you just wanted to have a support chat widget only from your support page, that can be done as well. We use it sparingly (only certain people at certain times) but it has been useful in closing some online sales for us. The nice thing is when no support people are available for chat, we set up the purechat wizard to just disappear rather than saying “no one is available to chat”. Give it a try - they have a free version (that’s what we use)



Hi Bob, did you integrated PureChat into your webstore? If so where do you get the code to embed? It does not jump out at me on the site.


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I found it! I had not proceeded far enough in the setup dialog. Thanks for this pointer too. This is a useful app.


Hello I require some assitance with getting an item online

Hi Dana,

The best way to get help with this would be to open a ticket, please:


Hi Linda

We use which works well and the branded version is free, regardless of how many users you have,
