How do I send a backup of my RMS database to Nitrosell?

**Please note:** we **do not** normally backup your point-of-sale database and, having resolved your support issue, we will not retain a copy. **Please do not depend on NitroSell to keep a backup of your POS data. This is not part of our service.**

From time to time, NitroSell Customer Support may need to get a backup of your RMS data so we can recreate your issue exactly in our own engineering labs. The will always be a request from Customer Support but here’s a guide on how to do it.

Open RMS Administrator → Top Menu ->Database->Backup
In RMS Store Operations Manager go to Utilities and then Backup Database

Nitrosell provides a support FTP account we use to transfer data from your machines
If you don’t have software for doing FTP, please download and install Filezilla from

Startup Filezilla
On the 4 top panels of Filezilla enter these values

The Nitrosell FTP server equires encrypted ftp connections (ftpes)

Filezilla requires a username and password for upload - Please contact Nitrosell support for those
ftp host: ftpes://
ftp user: contact Nitrosell support
ftp password: contact Nitrosell support
ftp port: 2121

Make sure there are no spaces in the password - beginning and end
Click on quick connect

You should see your own machine on the left so you can navigate to the C:\drive
On the right side is the remote server.

Drag the xxxxx.bck file which you created from left hand side to the right hand window.
Please let customer support know the name of the file.