Our virtual tour suppliers have written to us as follows:
After the GDPR updates we now have an important change to the way Google charges for embedded maps and streeview 360° in websites and enhanced tours we supply.
They have decided that all embedded Google Maps and embedded streetview 360° tours require an API so they can monitor the activity and then charge if you go over the free limits. If a embedded map or embedded VR tour generates more than 14,000 clicks for 360° tour or 28,000 clicks for a map there will be extra charges. This goes live on 11th June 2018.
If your website is NOT MANAGED by us you need to ensure you or your web developer have created APIs for embedded maps and any 360° tours else they will not work after 11th June.
_More info here - https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/_
We have an embedded map and 360 virtual tour, what actions do we need to take, is there an API?