Configuring Wine Search Feed

The purpose of this feed is to submit your inventory to the wine searcher engine. Your inventory is then made available to the engine from the following URL: YOURSTOREURL/store/go/winesearcherfeed/

In this post, we will show you how to configure it. There are just two steps to follow to get it to work on your store:

  1. Request it to be enabled to a member of our Customer Support Team;
  2. Provide the necessary fields in the WebStore Manager.

When the feature is enabled by a member of our Customer Support Team, you will see a new entry in the Product → Product Feeds menu under the name Wine Search, click on it and the following screenshot will be presented to you.

As can be seen in the figure, there are three fields used to generate the feed: one for the vintage, one to specify the size of the wine bottle that you sell, and finally a field that can be used to specify whether the current wine should be omitted from the feed. Those fields are optional and the next figure shows their respective defaults:

By default, all your products will be included in the feed, the vintage will be fetched from product_weblinxcustomtext2, the bottle size from product_subdescription1.

We hope you found this feature useful, please do not hesitate to give us your feedback.