Shop This Look - Get Inspired


My customer would like to add a section on the site called “Shop This Look”. This works very well for clothing websites to sell more products. The way this works is as follows. They post a picture of a person wearing the cloths they sell, and they make each item clickable by placing a white dot on the item to indicate that this is clikable.

To see a good example of what my customer wants, please go to and scroll down the home page until you get to the section called Get Inspired.

This would be an amazing addition to the Nitrosell features.

Please let me know if this is somthing that is currently avaiable or will need to be a custom develepment.


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Hi Isaac,

It seems to work in a similar manner to what Instagram is doing where you can tag products on images and later redirect. In this example it’s actually combined with a carousel that triggers based on what part of apparel the customer is clicking on.

I don’t believe we have anything like this ready but I will get in touch with the dev team to check.



Hi Peter,

Did you hear from the Dev team?

Hi Isaac,

This would be a custom development. I sent you the details in a private message.



Thanks Peter.

Are there any other customers here that would like to have this feature and are willing to share the costs on this?

Would love to hear some feedback from anyone.


Did this ever happen?

We deployed this as a design enhancement for Our design team would be able to do something similar for you if you’d like? @ciara.larkin would be happy to assist if you’re interested

Hi Brandon,

Ciara Larkin here, your Account Manager. I’ve just sent you an email with some additional information about this feature.

I look forward to hearing from you