Quick Add from New Products Panel

Nitrosell Team, we currently display New Produts on our Home Page New Products scroller.

Is there any way we can do a Quick Add to Basket from that Panel? Many users are asking for this feature.

Featured Products



Hi Shri,

We do indeed have a quick add feature.

@brendan: could you please assist with implementing it on their store?


@Brendan, do you have any further updates or documentation on how we can do this?

Donogh, how do we access the code for the {ns:PanelNewProductsDisplay}?
Also what are the other Panels like these? (Promotions, Special Offers etc etc).
I am unable to see them in the Edit Templates that we have access to.

Hi Shri,

All of these are controlled via the Product Panel template.


Donogh, i don’t see anything specific in the Product Panel Template. Do you have any documents or help guide for this functionality?
How many panels can we add like that on the main home page?
Does the count of panels depend on the flags available for a product like “New Product”, “Product on Promotion” etc? There r 2 other flags “Discountable” and “Special Offer”. Can we also add panels for those?

Hi Shri,

The Product Panel handles the output of those 3 types of panel, based on the new, special offer, and promotional items flags. Those are the three panels that can be included on the homepage. We don’t support panels based on other variables currently.

I’m afraid there is no documentation currently available on this feature. Is there something specific about the panel code that you find confusing?


Donogh, we are planning to add one more template called Special Offers on the Home Page. I know how to add it now. I went through the Product Panel code and it takes the one of the 3 panel parameters and renders the screen.
My only issue is how to put the Add to cart Button in the panels?
Does it involve just adding the 'Add to Cart" code snippet or any other setuprelated thing?

Hi Shri,

I understand @brendan is addressing this in a ticket you already have open on the same issue. @brendan, could you paste the answer here too, please, to allow the answer to be indexed?


I added

<a href="#" onclick="nsc.fn.addToBasket({featuredproduct['product_id']}, 1); return false;" class="button-big" id="add-to-basket-button-listing-{featuredproduct['product_id']}"><span class ="button-left"></span><span class="button-text">Add To Cart</span><span class="button-right"></span></a>

to the featured product panel.

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Thanks Donogh, @brendan addressed that issue. I have one small question though. What parameter do we pass to display the Special Offer products as an additional Panel on the main home page like how we do for New Products and Promotion Items?
i tried {ns:PanelSpecialOfferDisplay}, {ns:PanelSpecialOffersDisplay}, {ns:PanelSpecialProductDisplay}, {ns:PanelSpecialProductsDisplay}. Nothing is working.
How can we render it?

Hi Shri,

This is the normal code snippet to include the panel:

  {if ((pageproperty['pageid'] eq 'department') || (pageproperty['pageid'] eq 'category') || (pageproperty['pageid'] eq 'home'))}
