Hi, I would like to simplify the cart panel (in the header) to just display the number of items in the basket, and the total cost - without the breakdown of the actual products.
I’m new to Nitrosell and Nitroscript, can anyone help? - I’m looking at the cart panel template, but not sure what will display the information I want.
I have added this:
{pageproperty[‘basketcount’]} Items: {ns:getTotalBasketPrice}
which shows the information I want to display, but doesn’t display the basket count as being updated from a product page.
Hi Angela,
I’m not sure if you’ve sorted out your issue?
If not, unfortunately I don’t believe the mentioned variables are bound to the more recent ajax method of adding products to the shopping cart. You’ll probably notice that the update only occurs after you refresh the page. Multiple quantities of the same product do not increase the item count either adding yet another shortfall.
I believe most of us that use the product are resorting to javascript and jquery workarounds to achieve what should be out of the box functionality, which is a bit of a shame considering it’s an ecommerce package and cart functionality is at the core of any good shopping site.
Hi, thanks for your response Andy, no, not resolved the issue. One for the list as to figure out any javascript / jquery workarounds.