The Menu Builder Tab
The Menu Builder tab is divided into two areas: the Available Menu Content and the Menu Structure Preview.
The Available Menu Content Panel
This panel presents all parts of your store that you can link to. It is from these store elements that you can select elements that you wish to appear in your menu.
The various elements that you can add to your store are grouped (Department, Category, Subcategory, Content, Brands and Themes, Blog Content, Miscellaneous).
By opening a group, selecting menu content from the group and clicking the Add Selected button in that group, menu content is added to your menu structure on the right.
For more detailed information on the different menu content look here.
The Menu Structure Preview Panel
This panel displays a stylised overview of your menu.
Here you can re-organise menu items using drag and drop. A NitroSell menu will accept items up to five levels deep. Try to nest deeper than that and the interface will flash a red warning at you. Keep at it and the hamsters will eat your webstore.
You can also configure menu content to display a special label, a sub label and class attributes. If you include a link to a product item on your menu you can select the menu item here. If you insert external links you enter the link here. If you want some HTML added it is here that you enter it.
Menu Content
Each menu content tab is made up of the following:
- The name of the menu content (department name, theme name, product name, etc);
- The menu content type (see here);
- Icon that opens up the menu content configuration panel;
- Icon that removes the menu content from the menu;
Menu Content Detail Configuration (3)
This panel allows you to to modify the default output of this menu content in your menu.
The Label Input
By entering something into the label tab you over-write the default output of the menu content on your store.
An example: say you have a store department called Seasonal Produce, without doing anything, the menu would display Seasonal Produce as the menu link for this department. You could give this a label called Christmas Shop in the month of December and the menu would then read Christmas Shop.
The Sub Label
This input allows you to input a second entry of text associated with a menu link. Taking the sample above you could enter a line of text such as All your seasonal needs! here and the line of text would be output below the Label link above.
This input allows you to have this menu item have a special class attribute associated with it. This is useful for those looking to write their own CSS to style their store to their own tastes.
next: 103 The Menu Options tab