This article assumes you have a default mapping of quantity-quantitycommitted in product_stock, Please check your mapping with Nitrosell Customer Services if you’re unsure.
This setting for how quantity Committed is calculatedis in the Nsc Sync configuration → Sync Settings. Here’s how it works:
Normally stock is set up to be the quantity on hand in RMS minus the quantity which you have processed in your webstore. However, there is a setting in Nsc Sync which will allow a modification of the quantity committed.
If you enable this option in Sync’s Configuration under the Sync Settings section, it will also minus out the unprocessed orders.
So if you have 50 ON Hand.
5 orders processed with 1 item each
5 orders unprocessed with 1 item each.
With the box ticked, the stock on your webstore will show as 45
With the box unticked, the stock on your webstore will show as 40
There are other variations for retailers who have multiple stores because stock on the webstore can be synchonised with one, many or all stores in your network.