Amazon Inventory Levels
Your Inventory Feed tells Amazon how many of a product you have for sale. This is usually taken from the field called product_stock.
Whenever you sell an item on Amazon, Amazon will decrement your available stock by one. Whenever you run out of product stock on Amazon the item will no longer be offered for sale.
Unlike your POS, Amazon is allergic to negative stock numbers. If you feed a negative number to Amazon for your stock level the feed will fail and your stock level will NOT be updated. This could end up with Amazon offering items for sale that you no longer have!
By implementing the mapping below you can avoid this problem entirely.
Suggested RMS mapping for the field that holds your stock level for Amazon.
case when (quantity-quantitycommitted) < 0 then 0 else quantity-quantitycommitted end
In effect the mapping says: if your stock level is greater than -1 then use the stock level otherwise use 0.
Order Download.
Our integration will download orders made on Amazon to your POS. It is this process which updates your local inventory on your POS. If you don’t have this enabled then you will have to manually adjust your inventory level locally whenever you process an Amazon order through Seller Central.