Adding multiple B&M locations on the "contact us" page

We are about to open our second B&M location and would like to add the location to our “contact us” page. Is there a way to do this on one page or do we need to add a second tab (“contact us again”)?

Thank you in advance,

We have 3 locations displayed on the contact page. We decided to go with a more manual approach and add a few features.


Hey Mike,

This isn’t actually a scenario we have addressed with CRE yet. Do you have all the stores set up in CRE already? We might be able to adapt our RMS HQ edition to work with it.


No we have not even signed the lease for the other location yet. Just trying to be prepared. Once we do should I contact you again Donogh?
Thank you both for the help. BTW sosterlund’s example looks pretty close to what I was picturing but would be open for other options.


Please do, yes. A ticket might be easier in this case because we might need to address some of your needs specifically, rather than using the forum.

In any case, sosterlund’s suggestion will definitely work and it’s 100% the simplest option.


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I am going to open a ticket for this topic. We are opening our second location tomorrow, Jan 15th. Look forward to getting this done.
